Wishmaster Spell Hud


Wishmaster is a powerful spell-casting HUD that grants the user an impressive arsenal of magical powers that you must see to behold. It was conceived as the go-to item for any and all magic roleplayers and casual users alike. There's something included for everyone!

Wishmaster was meticulously designed by professional artists from the ground up. We coded our own API, took care to craft each intricate detail and designed an intuitive, easy to use HUD interface.

There's ALOT of amazing things packed into this system, so feel free to refer back to this guide at any time. Let's get started.


  • Easy to Use - adaptable smart HUD that adapts to screen resolution.
  • Auto-Cleanup - Each spell object or effect in the system will derez on command, or automatically when the user exits the sim, logs out or after 60 seconds.
  • Low-Lag, No Bloat - Each feature is designed with unique intricacies that reduce lag and maintains an average script time of 0.02ms. Wishmaster is safe to use in any sim, as it will not bog down other avatars or the region.
  • Expandable - In addition to the already large inventory of abilities, expansion packs can be bought and installed with 1-click.
  • Multiple Casting Options Target avatars, objects or aim with your camera!
  • Unlimited Range - Cast from anywhere in a region.

    Roleplay Mode - RP Mode (aka 'Safe Mode') allows you to disable or enable the pushing effects some spells produce, allowing you to safely and confidently cast effects without disturbing other avatars, particularly in RP sims.

Getting Started

You are given a magical lamp that contains a powerful Djinn spirit called the Wishmaster. When you free him, he will offer you his grimoire and which grants you a large variety of wizardly powers.


  1. Rez the Wishmaster's Lamp
  2. Left Click to initiate the unboxing sequence.
  3. Accept the Wishmaster's offer
  4. Attach the HUD to begin.

Attachment Points

Wishmaster can be attached to TOP-RIGHT (default), TOP-LEFT, BOTTOM-RIGHT and BOTTOM-LEFT corners of your screen.

If you try to move (edit/drag) the HUD, it will snap back to its original place. This is not a bug, but rather an intended feature as it is designed to adapt to your screen aspect ratio. When it is moved, it is perceived as your viewer window expanding or contracting, so it will "seek out" the corner and move back to it.

HUD Navigation

The Index Page

The index page is the 'table of contents' of your spell book. It lists all of the available spell chapters included with the HUD.

To return to the index page, click anywhere on the HUD that is not a button. (IE. the 'parchment' of background or the page border.)

Spell Chapters

Wishmaster contains over 60 spells and variants that are classified into 7 different categories called chapters. Each chapter has it's own theme of magic. (ie. Elemental)

Simply click on a chapter name to reveal the spells associated with it.

{info} To avoid taking up too much screen space, Wishmaster will only show both sides of the spellbook if there are spells listed on the second page, such as in the Eldritch chapter.


On the index page, click anywhere on the background that is not a button. (IE. the 'parchment' of background or the page border.)

This will hide the HUD from your screen and replace it with a small icon. Click the icon to reveal the HUD again.

{primary} NOTE You can only minimize Wishmaster from the INDEX page. If you're on another page, clicking the background will return you to the index.

HUD Configuration

Adjusting the Size

To adjust the size of the HUD, use the following command and size declaration:

Size options are: small, medium, large Example: /9 hud size large

You can also specify the size numerically: /9 hud size 0.2

Default HUD sizes in both contexts would be medium or about 0.35. You can scale it up or down to your needs and everything will adapt accordingly.

Changing the Command Channel

By default, HUD commands are issued on channel 9 (ex: /9 dispel)

You can change the default channel by using the command: /9 hud channel #

For example: typing /9 hud channel 4 would allow you to issue commands on the new channel, such as /4 dispel.

Casting Spells

There are several ways to cast spells with Wishmaster.

From the HUD

  1. Click on the name of the spell you wish to cast.
  2. Select the target you wish to cast on from the drop-down menu.

The Camera

When selecting the CAMERA option, the system will attempt to cast the spell directly in front of whatever your camera is focused on.

To cast with your camera, be sure to ALT+CLICK on the target you want to cast on BEFORE YOU CAST A SPELL. When you cast, you'll notice a brief targeting reticle appears to confirm where your spell is aimed to be cast.

Using Commands

Every spell can be cast with a command EXCEPT elementals. You can macro the commands in a gesture or type them out.

By default, Wishmaster uses channel 9 for commands; If you change the command channel, your spells will cast on the new channel number.

Command Format: /9 spell target


/9 teleport torley will teleport you to the avatar called Torley.

/9 bless torley would cast a bless charm on Torley.

Some spells can only be cast on the caster and therefore does not require a target. In this case, you can leave out the target name.

Example: /9 astral would cast Astral Projection, which is not a targeted ability.

Some spells have different variations you can cast them with, such as different colors, themes or effects.

Example: /9 teleport torley shadow

?> If a spell requires a target and you have not included one in your command, you will be prompted to select one.

?> You can type partial names for spells, variants and targets.
Example: /9 expl dum would cast explosion on a nearby target name that begins with dum.
Example: /9 tele tor ener would teleport the caster to avatar named Tor(ley) with the energize variant.

Ending Active Spells

Any spell you've cast can be terminated by clicking it's name on the HUD or by using the following command:

Command: /9 dispel
This will remove any active magic you have cast from the sim.

All spells will automatically dispel themselves when any of the following conditions are met: 
* Caster logs out
* Caster leaves the region
* Spell is active for more than 60 seconds
* Spell crosses into a parcel where scripts or rezzing are not allowed